First Post!

Well used, colorful keys
Photo by Patrick Hendry / Unsplash

This is the first post, and my first experience using the Ghost blog framework. So far so good. It's pretty minimalistic, and I like that. I still need to get the domain set up, among some other things.

Originally I was going to go straight for hosting it myself on AWS, but I figured that might be biting off more than I would realistically have time to chew with the different things of life pulling on me. So the plan is to get familiar with the platform, begin publishing some of the content sitting half baked upstairs, and move the site to a hosted instance later. And let that be a post in and of itself.

The last few days I've been trying to learn the Dirtywave M8, by deep diving through Jeremy Blake's amazing album Rituals. I've tried to learn the M8 while exploring his track 'Bilbio' in a stream-of-conciousness way, where I explore the track, find myself wanting do to something and note what I'm trying to do, look up how to do that in the M8 manual, and write that down. And repeat. I also have some thoughts on how groundbreaking the device is and how Blake's sharing of his track - as he built it, on the machine he built it on, is a paradigm shift in music. More to come on this.

I've also been poking around on, trying to code while in bed, having decided I want to build a 'Mastermind' app using websockets and exploring strategies for best solving the codez. It could be a good excuse for a deep dive into logic. Unfortunately after 2 hours working on my phone a refresh effectively deleted my work. But there shall be more to come there was well.